Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Darjeeling Limited

So it's finally time for my first movie review, and it's about The Darjeeling Limited. I'm not sure if I need to watch this movie a second time through to fully appreciate it, but I was somewhat disappointed by it after watching it once. It certainly had all the usual Wes Anderson stylings common to his movies, such as quirky off-beat dialogue, but it felt like something was missing by the time the credits started to roll. The story line was great and original, and the characters played off each other quite well, but it didn't provide the full sense of accomplishment by the end that I got from his other films. Sure, the brothers ended up accomplishing their intended task while hitting both amusing and serious patches along the way, but it seemed rather insignificant when it was all over.

It's entirely possible, however, that I just need to see this movie again to catch things that got by me the first time. It's also possible that my expectations for Wes Anderson movies have just become too high, since I loved his last film (The Life Aquatic) so much. Either way, I am not trying to say I disliked this movie, it was good, but I was hoping to get more out of it.

So if you're a Wes Anderson fan, this movie is worth seeing, it's not his best (despite what Pete Hammond has to say, see below) so don't expect wonders, but it's definitely enjoyable. And even if you have no idea who Wes Anderson is, I'd still suggest seeing it, but I'd also recommend seeing his other movies as well so you can have something to compare it to.

And, on a completely different note, as discussed in my first post, here is an absolutely wonderful quote from my favorite movie reviewer, Pete Hammond of Maxim:

"The Darjeeling Limited is a wonderful mix of humor and humanity with vintage Wes Anderson at his finest and funniest, as he takes us on a soul-searching magical mystery tour."

For those of you who are unaware, Pete seems to only write things in his reviews with the intention of getting his name into movie commercials, and this is a fine example. So next time you see a movie preview on television, pay attention to the writer of the quote, chances are its Pete Hammond.

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